Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Calling all Yankees Fans

I have been a Yankees fan ALL my life- I never knew anything else. Although I grew up amongst Red Sox fans, I
.................................(BDD Photo Illustration / Graphic Design by Carl)..........
never thought twice about the rest of Baseball's attitude toward the Yankees. After going to school in the South, I realized that EVERYONE hates the Yankees. Why hate such a wonderful franchise? Comment about Money, comment about the players- say what you will. But the Yankees are clearly the best team in baseball.
Those of you who yelled "Baltimore Orioles will win the Series" when the Orioles had long since been retired and started their long Winter rest. OR those "Red Sox" fans who grew up in the middle of nowhere and couldn't say who was pitching! Get a life.
I have had enough of this.
I will not hate on your team, do not hate on mine. I am surrounded by those who form "Yankees Suck" clubs and think they are so clever to make lame jokes about how gay our players are.
Are you serious? Focus on the sport and take a look at the team that just swept the Red Sox. Do I hear....



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