Buy Me Some Peanuts and Sushi Rolls....

Who needs cracker jacks when you can have SUSHI ROLLS?
I find it myself to be rather natural, you go into a baseball stadium, grab a beer, grab a hot dog, and with your other free hand grab a few sushi rolls.
How does one go about actually eating these sushi rolls upon returning to their seats? I love sushi, but when I eat sushi it is not an easy task. There is serious concentration involved.
How do the baseball fans use chopsticks or whatever have you to eat this sushi whilst sitting in their seats? It baffles me.
Call me old fashioned, but I would prefer a hot dog. A hot dog can be eaten without distraction and without shifting the attention away from the game. Lets be honest, when food is involved, there is often little room for attention elsewhere.
This is a plus and minus to the new stadiums. There are so many options for food! You can have first, second and third course meals. It may cost you 50+ bucks per round, but hey, you are going to be sitting for a while.
I enjoy knowing that there is a plethora of food vendors of which to choose from. The farthest I have ventured at the new Yankee Stadium is to try a Johnny Rockets milkshake instead of my standard Carvel. However, the decision was mostly based on which line was shorter. This being said with the fact that there was a GAME going on.
To make a long story short, I love food. I love that there are so many options when you go a baseball game nowadays. But honestly, I prefer to go to watch the live action. I understand that there are others who prefer to vendor hop. Cheers to you, to each his own. Just don't drop a sushi roll on my scorecard when you're going to your seat.