Tuesday, August 29, 2006

7 Games.

Enough said.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Sitting in a Bar?

Ok. I am sitting in a bar with a Yankee game on one channel and a Red Sox game on the other. Both teams are winning. But who is getting BOOs from the whole crowd. Oh yeah take a guess. Did I mention there was also a live musician?
Let the Yankees be and play the Mariners, cheer for your own team. Keep the positive energy flowing.
Oh yeah, the musican didn't help either by stirring the crowd and announcing he was a Red Sox fan and that they were winning. When I contributed that the Yankees were winning, he said "They Suck"
Clearly they don't suck when they just swept a certain team in their own stadium.
That kids is what we call SORE LOSERS.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Lame "Til the End"

A friend of mine sent me this picture of a Red Sox fan's tattoo. Apparently that's the guys chest, but it's hard to tell. I think it says "Til The End", but what it really should say is "I'm a complete tool."

(P.S. I am not saying that he is a tool for liking the Red Sox [we won't get into that whole issue right now] but COME ON, that tattoo is lame!)


So you are sitting at Fenway and Alex Rodriguez comes up. How HAS Arod been doing? How many home runs has he hit? What is his On Base percentage? Oh well that isn't important. While he is at bat- LET'S POST HIS DEFENSIVE STATISTICS!!! Great idea Bostonian scoreboard man. Thank you for being useless and an idiot.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Former Mrs. Damon

The scene: watching a Yankees/Sox game back in May

The characters: me and my roommate

Me: "Wow, you Sox fans are being really mean about Johnny Damon considering all he did for your team when you won."

Roommate: "I hope he chokes and dies."

Me: "Um...remember when you were obsessed with him? You had all those pictures hanging up in your room? You tried out how your name would sound if you were now 'Mrs. Damon'? You planned out the wedding?"

Roommate: "I never liked him."


Roommate: "No way, I've always hated him. I hope he dies."

Me: "You have a Damon shirt! You bought a ball with his autograph on it! YOU PLANNED OUT THE WEDDING!"

Roommate: *Grumbles and leaves the room.*

I swear, the whole room was COVERED in Damon pictures. And there were wedding bells in the air.

Sure, you can be upset he left. You can even say you don't like him any more, especially since he plays for your rival. But you can't deny it: he was once your soulmate. And now he's kicking your team's ass.


Why I Strongly Dislike Sox Fans

It all started when the Patriots won the Super Bowl a few years ago. I was a freshman at a college in Boston, coming from a town in CT that was half Sox fans, half Yankee fans (I was smart enough to choose the team that wins). I was on my way home on the T after a Super Bowl party, enjoying the evening, when a bunch of rowdy Pats fans climbed into the train. I knew they were Pats fans because they were a) wearing every piece of Pats merchandise known to man and b) they were screaming about the Pats winning. However, I was incredibly confused when one minute later, a different chant broke out. "Yankees suck!" one shouted...and was joined by the rest of the train. Wait, what sport were we playing? Didn't we just win the Super Bowl? Shouldn't we be yelling "Go Pats!" or something like that? I should have known then I was in for a rough time.

I hid my loyalties to the Yankees at first. I'm not proud of it, but I was scared. These Sox fans are crazy! I mean, shouting "Yankees suck!" when the Pats had just won? Certifiably insane. I would come to find out that Sox fans will shout that phrase at any event. They even have shirts that say it; how clever!

When I finally stated my true allegiances, I was nearly drowned. Seriously. Someone grabbed me at a party and tried to throw me in the tub and turn on the shower. Bastard. He was obviously jealous of my superior intelligence and decision making skills.

However, I will not stoop to their level. I refuse to return their claims of my team's suckiness with a similar response. I will not say that Ortiz likes men or that Papelbon throws like a girl. I will not even say that I hate Sox fans, because then I would be as bad as they are. Hence the title of this post.

Anyway, for some strange reason, I decided to stay in Boston once I graduated (I really do love this city). So here I am now, smack in the middle of that battleground they call "Red Sox Nation." (Um, lame. Sorry.) The Red Sox are everywhere. The fans are unavoidable. Life is hard.

But at least my team wins.


Calling all Yankees Fans

I have been a Yankees fan ALL my life- I never knew anything else. Although I grew up amongst Red Sox fans, I
.................................(BDD Photo Illustration / Graphic Design by Carl)..........
never thought twice about the rest of Baseball's attitude toward the Yankees. After going to school in the South, I realized that EVERYONE hates the Yankees. Why hate such a wonderful franchise? Comment about Money, comment about the players- say what you will. But the Yankees are clearly the best team in baseball.
Those of you who yelled "Baltimore Orioles will win the Series" when the Orioles had long since been retired and started their long Winter rest. OR those "Red Sox" fans who grew up in the middle of nowhere and couldn't say who was pitching! Get a life.
I have had enough of this.
I will not hate on your team, do not hate on mine. I am surrounded by those who form "Yankees Suck" clubs and think they are so clever to make lame jokes about how gay our players are.
Are you serious? Focus on the sport and take a look at the team that just swept the Red Sox. Do I hear....
